I spent the Deepavali weekend in Port Blair, Andamans. It is a picturesque place and provided many opportunities to sketch and photograph - on my mobile. I was nearing the end of Inktober 2016 and the fountain pen still had me in its grip. So all the drawings were made gripping it.
Here are some pictures that I drew in Andamans. All done with a nameless fountain pen, with unexceptional ink and on the pages of a student notebook.
One of the islands with a lighthouse. Seen from a cruise boat and drawn from memory.
I drew these while waiting at the airport on the way back. It so happened that this lady's husband left his wallet in the aircraft and realised it in Chennai. He panicked. The airport staff reassured him that he would get it back and he did! That was impressive. This led to my talking to the couple and I showed the lady the sketches and she was thrilled!
I called it "Einstein's Cabin" to myself. The reason is that Einstein once said that the ideal job for a theoretical physicist is that of a lighthouse keeper. Lighthouses are far removed from populated areas. There is not much to do. This is an ideal situation for contemplation so essential for theoretical Physics.
Here is the picture with watercolors added to the drawing of that place.